Emily Giffin. This is a woman who compells me to jot down her future book release dates in my calendar a year in advance. This is a woman whose stories I am so in love with, that I force myself to read her books as slowly as possible for fear of my love affair with her characters ending. This is a woman who I have met twice and is the sweetest, most gracious and endearing person ever. This is a woman who has THE most adorable book covers in the universe. Emily Giffin just makes my life a little bit sweeter. Who doesn't love to open a book and right at the first couple of sentences, you are utterly hooked and have reached the point of no return. There will be no beds being made, no dishes being washed, you're ordering takeout for the next week, the dvr will just have to record Grey's Anatomy, the whole world will just have to wait until you've finished devouring this story. That's how I feel when I read one of this New York Times best selling author's books. She is funny, witty, and has a way with words that make her stories flow so effortlessly. It feels like I'm listening to my closest girlfriend read the stories directly to me. Her characters are extremely relatable and well developed, and she has such a knack for writing about relationships: romantic, friend, familial, etc... She has written 5 amazing books so far: Something Borrowed (my all-time favorite, which at this time, a movie is being made starring Kate Hudson), Something Blue, Baby Proof, Love the One You're With and Heart of the Matter. All 5 of these books are amazing and if purchased, will take up permanent display spaces on your bookshelves. I am counting down the days until her next book is released. Please go out and support this amazing author ~ I'm sure you will fall in love just as I have! :)
"When you are in a relationship, you are aware that it might end. You might grow apart, find someone else, simply fall out of love. But a friendship isn't a zero-sum game, and as such, you assume that it will last forever, especially an old friendship. You take its permanence for granted, which might be the very thing so dear about it." ~ Something Borrowed
"His words are like the sound of a needle dragging across a record. A sinking, sickening feeling washes over me. This is why you should never, ever get your hopes up. This is why you should see the glass as half empty. So, when the whole things spills, you aren't as devastated." ~ Something Borrowed
"It always takes two. For relationships to work, for them to break apart, for them to be fixed." ~ Heart of the Matter
"Sometimes there are no happy endings, No matter what, I'll be losing something, someone. But maybe that's what it all comes down to. Love, not as a surge of passion, but as a choice to commit to something, someone, no matter what obstacles or temptations stand in the way. And maybe making that choice, again and again, day in and day out, year after year, says more about love than never having a choice to make at all." ~ Love the One You're With